Wednesday, June 4, 2008

TT #12 Thoughts on Leadership

I did a short post a few weeks ago on Mac Anderson's little book, You Can't Send a Duck to Eagle School. It is a compilation of anecdotes, lessons learned, and simple truths about leadership. You can view a short video on the book here. For Thursday Thirteen, I thought I would list some of the lessons learned and simple truths. The words in italics are quoted.

  1. It's the little things, not the big ones, that will earn the respect of your people. Even taking the time to listen---really listen---is important.

  2. Change is good...You go first. The president at our college always says no one likes change except a wet baby.

  3. Accept your Limitations and You'll Expand Your Potential. That one is easy for me. There are so many things I cannot do--but there are probably an equal number that I can do.

  4. If your company mission is to climb a tree, which would you rather do: hire a squirrel or train a horse? This may be my favorite. It is so simple, and it speaks to the wisdom in playing to peoples' strengths.

  5. Attitude isn't everything, but it's pretty darn close. When hiring new people, Anderson says we should notice their attitudes, then ask "is theirs worth catching?"

  6. Customer service is not a's an attitude. Is that ever the truth!

  7. Eat the Frog. Anderson says, "if the first thing you do when you wake us is to eat a live frog, then nothing worse can happen for the rest of the day." I'd say that's right! So, he says, we need to look at our to-do list, identify the frogs, then eat them first---and it's smooth sailing after that.

  8. Less is almost always more. Keep it simple.

  9. Wisdom is knowing the right path to take...Integrity is taking it. Integrity is not what we do as much as who we are. and who we are, in turn, determines what we do." (John Maxwell).

  10. A leader's job is to look into the future and see the organization, not as it is, but as it should be. Enough said.

  11. We aren't in the coffee business serving people. We're in the people business serving coffee. Yep--that's from Howard Schultz, founder of Starbucks.

  12. Quality is the Mother...And we don't mess with Mom. Quality is a core value in successful companies.

  13. Turn up the Fun-O-Meter. What companies comes to mind? Southwest Airlines. Google. A little fun at work is a good thing.

This is a good little book to share with your colleagues or your family members.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others' comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Skywatch Friday city: Mexico City


Susan Demeter said...

These are all great, and I especially like #13 :)

Happy TT!!! My list is up here:

My Life In The Urban Zoo

Unknown said...

These are great. Number 8 is my fav.Keep it simple, stupid! lol Happy T13!

Michelle said...

Sounds like a good book. Great TT.

Anonymous said...

What a great list: wonderfully useful advice.

Happy TT.

SJ Reidhead said...

Do you know how few people are capable of doing these things?

The Pink Flamingo

SandyCarlson said...

I like this list a lot. I don't see my day starting with a frog, but I get the point!

Anonymous said...

Gosh, that sounds like a great book - and I've read a lot of books on leadership. Thanks for sharing it. I will get it from the library!

Happy TT

Anonymous said...

Heh-I like your addition to the second one! So true (and funny)!

Happy TT :)

michelle said...

# 5 and # 8 are definitely my favorites!

Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

This is such a great list! All managers should have to read a list like this. My husband's general manager has most of these qualities, and in his time there, he has really turned their business around.

Chelle Y. said...

I like #1 the best! That is a great thought!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Those are fantastic! I'm reading them and trying to apply them to myself and... well, I like change, personally. Something good always comes from it. Eventually.

Carol said...

Lots of wisdom in your little list. Happy T-13

Darla said...

These are great--if only more people in positions of authority would follow them.

Forgetfulone said...

Whatever happened to customer service? Very few companies stress this anymore. I like your list. Good anecdotes to live by.

Anonymous said...

I wish more companies understoon #6.
My TT is here:

Anonymous said...

Eat the frog! It's going to be my motto. Thank you for that. Thanks for ALL of them...they were great!

Cindy Swanson said...

Great list, Kay! By the way, I love the Jeremiah verse that your blog title is based on...

Stop by my TT when you get a moment!

The Gal Herself said...

These are terrific. I wish more company's spent the time on training people to be good bosses, and this would be a good start. (Thanks for visiting my TT)

Anonymous said...

These are some really great ideas...thanks for sharing!

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

great minds think alike. My favorite is "Attitude isn't everything, but it's pretty darn close.". And it is so true!

Mia Celeste said...

I like 13 Turn Up the Fun Meter! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Thanks! The book's a new one on me.

Giggles said...

Very sage advice. Happy to say I incorporate much of this list into my life!I'll work on the rest!

Thanks for stopping by!

Peace Giggles

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment. This was the PA primary. Both sides were impressed with the effort and turnout of their respective supporters, and both campaigns considered it a success. There were some serious organizational problems, however, and MANY disgruntled local volunteers who felt ignored by the higher-ups in the campaigns.
Great list and happy TTing!

Ingrid said...

I am with the wet baby ! I like changes too, lol !

Anonymous said...

Quite the list of truisms. I especially agree with #5.

Happy TT!

Gayle said...

I love this list! I need to start eating the frog. I'd be a lot happier at the end of the day. Thanks....

Nancy said...

What a thoughtful TT. Such useful information. I like your blog!